...art is a by-product of the experience of being with yourself, of living within patience. -- Robert Beer


Paper Collage: To A Tee

Artwords: Transformation

Artwords has challenging challenge this week. Transformation. It took time for me to ‘grab’ the gist of transformation (to be expressed in an artwork). I know about “going beyond your form”
but how…? I tried to make series of my pictures into a digital artwork but… I could not see significant ‘transformation’ on it. Ugh. I was going to give up..

I went back to art I like – collage. I made collage using Newsweek recently and I had squeezed the magazine to dry.. Only few left. I changed to Swedish interior magazine a friend gave me. Mm.. flipping flipping..

Then I found this. No.. not tea advertisement, it’s glass-ware. Typical Swedish, advertisement looked modern and neat. It became perfect after I found ‘the background’ from car advertisement – it has arrow. Arrow associates with transformation, right?

I cut the pictures the Swedish way, clean and straight (I left the right edge naturally furry so it won't look too boxy). I played with the lines. Mm.. I enjoyed composing. A tea bag into a glass of hot water, then two tea bags getting red after infusing below a flying glass of tea. I fixed a real tea bag of my favorite legendary local brand, Tong Tji, to make the total artwork alive.


1 comment:

Mauricio said...


Great job!!! Very nice collage you made, congratulations.

Visit my blog, I made collage too.

Well, see you

Best regads

Mauricio from Rio