...art is a by-product of the experience of being with yourself, of living within patience. -- Robert Beer


Art Journal: Different Eyes

It took me two days to finish this artwork. It’s not because of its intricacy but.. I needed good light to glue or double-tape. I used two gift wraps as base (not easy to fix on) and a clip says “here & now”.

This piece is about my experience in Singapore apart from shopping the Singapore great sale. It’s all about art and discovering the city. Riverside walk, Singapore Art Museum, Holland village, and Little India. I fixed a flower with message I randomly picked from a bookshop. The lady offered me a basket of messages after I paid my book. Like having fortune cookie, nice and surprising. The message says:

You do not hide the treasures in your heart in fear they will be stolen – but share to find they multiply.

I also fixed my MRT ticket (which is not as interesting as it was) and my skirt label – Projectshop. It’s an interesting Singapore label that has drawn new customers thru me. Smile.

This work called Different Eyes. This visit, I experienced Singapore with different eyes.

1 comment:

Saxman said...

Very nice artwork... you must have enjoyed your trip to Singapore!