...art is a by-product of the experience of being with yourself, of living within patience. -- Robert Beer


Clip Art: ..are they??

Inspire Me Thursday: Open Studio

Interesting topic this week, Open Studio. Again I made collage – which I like to call clip art.

I spent weekend and a few days of this week in Singapore (1.5 hours flight from Jakarta). I brought with me minimal tools to make collage when I’m traveling. It’s a new habit. I made one on the first day of my stay, Blogg.

I made ..are they?? on the second day. I woke up early and was inspired by leaflets and brochures I picked from airport and those available in room. I have been in many sale season in Singapore (May – July), it would be nice to record the event this time.

I was especially attracted by Orchard road map. Orchard is the main shopping belt in Singapore -- where I usually spent my time. I didn’t check many shops, only shops I liked. I’m a fast shopper. I don’t do window shopping a lot (except I have girlfriends with me. I enjoyed following them.)

Okay. I have Orchard map as base and the event announcement on top. I didn’t glue the word SALE so it looks like tag. I showed three shops I used to check. Then I drew dots of my track from hotel where I stay this time to all of three shops I used to visit using marker pen (I left my gold pen). I fixed first coin I got from my first shopping to make the piece alive.

I got the right quotation from a magazine, it says Happy days are here again – or are they? It said to me. It asked me. So, I put it as main soul of the piece.

This piece is more like journal to me.

The studio? Of course, my bed in my hotel room. It’s good that I took the picture. I was mesmerized by the mess I made. Now I can share the photo of my studio and the art I made.

Enjoy shopping!


Teri said...

Great collage! The title just fits. And I love your 'studio' to create art anywhere!

Stacia said...

Great idea to capture memories while traveling and relaxing in your hotel room. Nice job!