Inspire Me Thursday: Paints
I’m late for this week’s challenge in IMT. Paints. I’m not into painting. I thought thought thought till I found watercolor-pencil in an office supplies shop last Monday. Hm.. this is technology that didn’t exist in my childhood days.
I was reading O magazine when I remembered that I hadn't answered this challenge. I got an idea. I enjoy my sketch recently, even I keep the cut-outs because I like the shape. I keep my style; magazine page plus collage. I chose one page and started to sketch the fat lady who's trying to pull the pipe. I ‘sketched’ using the watercolor-pencil and brushed her unevenly. I’m happy. The colors look alive! I would like to explore more of this pencil.
I didn’t glue all surface, so the cut-out looks alive, two dimensional.
Please help her… Uuugh!